"Anii treceau tiptil ca niste soapte
Unul venise de prin Miaza Noapte
Si celalalt dintr-un Apus.
S-au intalnit,
Si-au multumit,
S-au luat de mana si s-au dus,
Se cunosteau din presupus."


miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

the ponies run...

nebunia costa, imi zicea. cumva trebuie mereu platita. acesta e doar modul in care tu o platesti. avea dreptate. zambet. (amar)
"defectul tuturor oamenilor este ca asteapta sa traiasca, deoarece n-au curajul fiecarei clipe.
....recastigarea imediatului...
caci omul este o fiinta care a pierdut imediatul" (Cioran)
si daca da, cu ce folos?!
the ponies run...


Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep

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"The ponies run, the girls are young, The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then its done Your little winning streak. And summoned now to deal With your invincible defeat, You live your life as if its real, A Thousand Kisses Deep. ........... Confined to sex, we pressed against The limits of the sea: I saw there were no oceans left For scavengers like me.

I guess they wont exchange the gifts That you were meant to keep. And sometimes when the night is slow, The wretched and the meek, We gather up our hearts and go, A Thousand Kisses Deep. The ponies run, the girls are young, The odds are there to beat . . . "

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